We are an independent health organization that provides support to Nova Scotians after ostomy surgery. 


Meetings & Ostomy Halifax Info


Ostomy Halifax 2025 AGM

We invite you to join us for our Annual General Meeting where we will review the activities of the past fiscal year and conduct the business of the Ostomy Halifax Society.

Date, Time & Location:

  • Sunday, April 6th, 2025

  • 2pm-4pm ADT

  • Woodlawn United Church (54 Woodlawn Road, Dartmouth)

Agenda Highlights:

  • Review of the 2024 financial statements (members present at the meeting will be eligible to vote to accept the financial statements).

  • Voting on other motions presented to the membership for approval as part of the normal course of the meeting.

Guest Speaker

We are excited to welcome Shannah Cunningham, Sr. Territory Manager, Wound Therapeutics, Ostomy Care and Critical Care - ConvaTec Canada Ltd.

Shannah will be reviewing Convatec's lineup of ostomy supplies including some of the newer products and discuss some of Convatec's end user support programs and services.

Ostomy Halifax General Meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month (except in July & Aug - no meetings) at 2pm Atlantic time at Woodlawn United Church.


Quarterly Newsletters


Membership is Free


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What you need to know

Upcoming or new ostomate? We’ve put together a short list of key information/FAQs

ostomy members.jpg

Stories from Ostomates

Stories from Nova Scotians living with ostomies.

Our vision is to help the over 3,000 ostomates in Nova Scotia achieve the highest quality of life possible by providing support to them and their families.

Burleigh Wile Award

Celebrating the awardees from the past 20 years.

Youth Camps

Ostomy Halifax offers a wide variety of support for ostomates of all ages.

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Looking to contribute? Volunteer or Donate Now

News & Updates

Our Newsletters

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